Borrowing Procedures

Library Card

All community patrons wanting to borrow books will need a library card. You may apply for a free library card at the circulation desk. A valid driver’s license, state ID card, or proof of residence is required. The community includes the Saint John Valley and all surrounding towns, including Madawaska, Van Buren, etc.


Summer vacationers in the Fort Kent area may apply for a free temporary library card. A driver’s license, home address, vacation address, and other contact information will be required. Due dates will be set to the end of your stay.

Online Borrowing (Requesting) Through LibrarySearch

Patrons may request materials from other University of Maine System libraries.

First time borrowing online, you will need to change your password.

  • Click on the sign-in link in LibrarySearch at one of the sign-in locations
  • Choose, “I am a community borrower” from the two options
  • Click on the “Click here to reset password” link
  • When prompted, use your email address registered with your library account
  • Once you do, you will receive an email with further instructions on changing your password.
  • If prompted to log in again, use your new password and use your email address as your username. You will use these credentials for all future logins.

Borrowing a Book Online

  • It is preferable to sign into your account before you begin, but you can sign into your account at any time throughout the search process. When you sign in, your username will be your barcode or email registered with the library and the password you previously created (if this is your first time, please review the previous instructions for First-time borrowing).
  • Once you find the book you want in LibrarySearch, click the “Request” button. If you haven’t signed in yet, you will need to before you can see the Request option.
  • Follow the directions provided, making sure to choose the UMFK option for pickup location. You don’t need to fill out the rest of the form unless you want to.
    Once the item arrives, you will receive an email. You can also check your library account online. The materials are held at the circulation desk for two weeks before being returned.
    If you get an error or other issue during any part of this process, please contact library staff (see Staff contacts).

Please note that your account must be free of fines and holds in order to request materials.

Borrowing in Person

Follow the instructions for “Borrowing Online,” but rather than request the item that we have in the library, find and bring it to the Circulation desk to process. If you ever need help finding the item, let staff know.

Note: as you search for books, if you want to save any titles for future or any you are requesting, you can click the Pin icon located on each of the item records. There is no longer an automated reading list.

Borrowing Privileges

  • Community patrons: 10 items
  • Public School patrons: 5 items
  • Special (retired faculty/staff, etc.): 50 items

Community patrons can check out up to 3 media items (VHS, DVD, AudioCD, etc.), which are included in the total number of items (10) they can check out.

The Library staff reserves the right to recall any materials at the request of a student or faculty member for academic purposes. All recalled books must be returned as soon as possible. Please be aware of the due dates for your materials.

Viewing Your Patron Record

Patrons can view their library records online by either going to the the My Account link above or once in LibrarySearch, logging in. Here, you can view such things as the due dates of checked-out items, renew items, and follow the status of requested items. You can also see the items you pinned by going into your “favorites” folder.

At the Circulation Desk

Please pick up and drop off all borrowed materials at the circulation desk. You may also return items to the library drop box located at the Acadian Archives entrance.

Interlibrary Loan Services

Blake Library staff offer interlibrary loan services in two ways:

  • Online requests through LibrarySearch (explained above) and
  • Through traditional library-to-library requests (for both print and electronic).

Traditional interlibrary loan comes into play when the item you need is either not in the catalogs or is in the catalogs but is not available to request or download online. You may bring your request to us so we can look into available options. Here are some general rules about ILL with us.

  • A library card is required.
  • Many electronic resources, primarily articles, that we have access to, are not available to the community off campus. Through ILL, we can provide you the article (ebooks are not included).
  • If we do not have the item, we will search elsewhere. Though we try to find a library that will loan the item(s) for free, this is not always the case
    • If there is a charge to borrow the item(s), we have found the charge to be roughly $15 or more (this is not guaranteed).
    • The cost will be transferred to you. We are just the go-between.

ILL for Libraries

We accept requests through DOCLINE, Fax, and Email. We are a reciprocal borrower. We do not charge fees.

Telephone: (207) 834-7526
Fax: (207) 834-7518

Note: If you have not received an acknowledgment of your request in a timely manner, you may reach out to Dana Appleby at or the telephone number listed.

Curbside Service

To Blake Library’s Community Patrons,

Our curbside service allows community patrons to borrow items without entering the building. Please review the following pick-up and drop-off procedures:

To pick up items:

  • Hours for scheduled pick-up of items are Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
  • For items you requested online (and for which you will receive an email notice when they’ve arrived) and books we have on hand, it is usually best to call the library to give us a general idea of when you can pick up your item(s). You can call either 834-7526 or 834-7527.
  • Library staff will meet you at the designated door with your items, or we can bring them to your car. Please call when you arrive in the parking lot.

To drop off items:

  • Please use the drop box located at the Acadian Archives entrance. This is at the back of the small parking lot to the right of the library (first right after you turn onto campus). You will see the Acadian Archives sign at the entrance to the parking lot as you turn right.

Please feel free to call Dana Appleby (834-7526, or Sofia Birden (834-7527, with any questions or concerns.

Fines and Loans

All items checked out must be returned by their due date to avoid fees. You are responsible for knowing this date.

Many, but not all, items have a one-time renewal option (see loan periods below). For patron convenience, Blake Library staff sends electronic notices via email. Patrons without email may receive paper notifications by USPS mail. Community patrons are responsible for providing circulation staff with up-to-date email and mailing information.

Though there are no overdue fines, materials are billed shortly after the due date has passed.

Lost or Billed Items

  • $35.00 per item, or the cost of the item, a $5.00 processing fee, and a $5.00 billing fee.
  • Some materials have different loan rules. Please be aware of the due dates.
  • All items billed will say “Lost.”

Fines on accounts prohibit the borrowing of additional items. Please pay any charges owed to the staff at the circulation desk.


Loan Periods

Item Type Loan Period
Hard Copy Items:
General materials (also known as “stacks”): 4 weeks with a 2-week renewal
Juvenile Collection: 2 weeks with a 1-week renewal
Young Adult Collection: 4 weeks with a 2-week renewal
Curriculum Collection: 1 week with a 1-week renewal
DVDs and VHS: 3 days with no renewal
Audio Books and Music CDs: 1 week with a 1-week renewal

For equipment needs, you may contact the Audio/Visual department at 834-7507 for information on equipment availability and costs.

Reference and Special Collections items cannot be checked out but are available for in-library use.

Printing, Photocopying, Faxing, and Other Services


CopyCards are necessary to print independently; otherwise, contact staff for help.

Other Requirements

  • Please come between 8 AM and 4:30 PM on weekdays if you need to get a CopyCard and/or a computer account. Library staff must be available to help.
  • If you don’t have a computer account, you must create one before printing independently.
  • Printing will be available to new account holders by the following day.
  • If printing for the first time, you will receive a complimentary CopyCard for printing*.
  • There will be a $5 fee to replace lost CopyCards.

Please call us at 207-834-7526, 7523, or 7527, or email us with any questions. You can email Sofia at

*Complimentary CopyCards are only available for the local community. For short-term guests, printing may still be available. Please work with staff for access to this service.

Photocopying and Faxing

Copy services are also available using your CopyCard and are done on the same machines as the printing. You do not have to have a computer account to copy or fax.

For faxing needs, please see the staff.

For costs and other services, please see the FULL-SERVICE page for information.

Computer and Wireless Access

Community patrons have access to computers located in the building. Though students have first priority, there usually are enough computers for community use.

Additionally, patrons have wireless access to a guest account called UMS-GUEST from their portable devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, etc.).

Blake Library has 8 APs, and the standards level they support is IEEE 802.11ax, also known as Wi-Fi 6.