Purpose: To outline the goals and objectives of the Inez Day collection and delineate the scope of the collection.

I.  Introduction

To define further the conditions set forth in the establishment of the Inez Day Richards Fund in order to in order to insure this fund will effectively augment the existing collection and best benefit the patrons of this library.

II.  Text of the Last Will and Testament of Daniel T. Richards Regarding the Inez Day Richards Fund

“Paragraph 6. d. – one-fifth (of my estate) to the Library of the University of Maine, Fort Kent, to establish an endowed book fund to be known as the INEZ DAY RICHARDS FUND, in loving memory of my paternal grandmother; the annual income from the FUND shall be used for the purchase of books in music and American poetry;”

III.  Philosophy

Although this fund has specific subject focuses, the over-arching criterion for materials’ selection is support of the curriculum, as stated in the Blake Library Collection Development Policy.

IV.  Definitions

A.  “Books in Music”: “Books in Music” may mean any bound volumes or media equivalent relating to music, including, but not limited to the following: score, libretti, sheet music and non-fiction works on topics such as musical theater, composition, music history, ethnomusicology, and biographies of musicians and composers.

B.  “American”:  For the purposes of this Fund, “American” works will be defined as works produced in the United States, works originally published in the United States, works about the United States, or works produced by United States citizens, either at home or abroad.

C.  “Books in American Poetry”:

  1. “Books in American Poetry” may mean any bound volumes or media equivalent relating to American poetry, including, but not limited to the following: anthologies, original poetic works, criticism and analysis, ethnopoetics, and translations by American poets.
  2. It is intended that the collection should include contemporary and traditionally under-represented poets, and the established poets of the literary canon.

V.  Administration

A.  A list of volumes purchased with the Fund will be generated annually and kept on file at the Blake Library.

B.  This collection shall be dispersed among the general Blake Library collection.  It shall not become a special collection housed separately from the stacks.  This collection is also subject to the same guidelines established in the Blake Library Collection Development Policy.

C.  Each book purchased and processed through the Fund will bear identification acknowledging it as a part of this collection.