Purpose: To outline the scope of the Blake Library Reserve Services available for faculty.   


I.   Introduction   

Reserve services, handled by the circulation department, allow faculty to place commonly used items in one location for multiple students to use. Faculty may contact library staff by phone or in person to place items on reserve. A form is also available online for both regular reserve items and electronic reserve items.                         

II. Submissions   Faculty members need to submit all materials to the library staff before each semester. If circumstances arise which require special submissions during the semester, please provide us with the reserve request according to the following format if possible:                         

A. Hardcopy:  at least forty-eight hours before reserve time.                             

B. Electronic:  at least one week before reserve time if the item needs to scanned or 48-hours for items already digitized.                         

III.  Reserve addressing   

Hardcopy reserve materials are shelved or filed by the professor’s last name. If more than one professor is teaching a course, one professor will be named.                         

IV. Access  All articles or other small documents will automatically be placed on electronic reserve.                           

V. Copyright    

Single electronic copies will be placed on electronic reserve for an entire article, chapter, or poem in a password protected location.   

A. the amount of material should be reasonable in relation to the total amount of the material assigned for one term of a course taking into account the nature of the course, its subject matter and level, 17 U.S.C. [section] 107(1);     

B. the material should contain a notice of copyright, see 17 U.S.C. [section] 401;                          

C. the effect of photocopying the material should not be detrimental to the market for the work. (In general, the library should own at least one copy of the work.) 17 U.S.C. [section] 107(4).”   

Dukelow, Ruth H. The library copyright guide. Washington, DC: Copyright    Information Services, 1992.