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Photo of Library Shelves

Blake Library

Distance Education at the Library

Here at Fort Kent we strive to offer the very best in service. internet tower above the cloudsPlease use the links below to help you with any questions you may have. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please feel free to use the Ask the Librarian link to find your answer.

If you want more immediate attention, please go to our Staff page to find the appropriate person to call.

Fort Kent University of Maine links:

  • Online students - These links provide you with general information on Resources and Services we offer at Blake Library. These links duplicate and expand the information we sent you in the mail. This includes information on book returns, library cards, computer support and more. Just click on the link which describes your distance learning status.
  • More Resources at Blake Library - a great place to go for additional information.
  • UMFK's official Distance Education web site - Your portal to searching for distance education courses and other distance education help.

University College/University of Maine System links:

  • Off-Campus Library Services - Provides links to resources such as the Library Card Form for ITV and online students, search resources, Ask the Librarian, and more.
  • Tutorials Online - 24/7 access to help on using shared library resources such as URSUS (online catalog) and the OneSearch, which accesses our collection of Indexes and Databases (article search).



(Original sky image: “Globe” by Michael Malz is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Complete image: modified in-house)