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Photo of Library Shelves

Blake Library

Facilities and Equipment


Rooms, sections, and offices

Circulation area: Located at the Quad Entrance of the Library on the first floor, the circulation area houses library billing, checkouts and check-ins, reserve materials, requestor materials, interlibrary loan pick up and drop off, and much more.

Computer Labs: The Library has available one computer lab and a number of computers elsewhere in the library. There are a total of 10 student computers in the lab, a printer next to the lab, a Smart Board and screen, and one instructor station. The computers are available for general computer use. However, occasionally classes are scheduled in the lab and a sign is posted to notify students. Please check by the entrance to the lab for scheduled classes.

Education Center: Located on the first floor there are three ranges of materials. The ranges consist of the Young Adult, the Juvenile, and the Curriculum Collection materials. In addition, there are a variety of manipulatives, games, and kits.

exhibit space
Partial view of the exhibit space

Exhibit Room: The Library offers exhibit space for students, faculty, staff, and community members to use. Any individual or group interested in using this space should contact Sofia Birden for more information about scheduling an exhibit. Please see the Exhibit Area Policy for use guidelines.

The exhibit area is located on the first floor of the library. The space consists of six walls and one display case. See the layout for the size of the space.

The General Collection: The general collection, also known as the "stacks," is located upstairs. We use the Library of Congress (LC) Classification.

Study Areas: There are three study rooms, two downstairs for group work and one upstairs for individual study (up to two people at a time). Upstairs, there are also study carrels and two "Pods" that allow for quiet study. The upstairs area is meant for silent study, while the downstairs is quiet study. There is also a large open group study area with a number of tables/chairs. This area allows for normal talking.

Reference area: The reference area is in the same area as the group study. The area consists of a reference desk, two public computer stations for looking up books and articles, one of two scanners, and a printer (the second scanner is in the computer lab).

Serials area: Our journals, magazines, and newspapers are in the group study area near the Circulation desk. The serials may be checked out by UMFK community for a short time.

Special Collections: The Special Collections room is located on the first floor. The Special Collections holdings include serials, books, and primary documents related, for the most part, to the Saint John Valley with some exceptions.



Computers and printers: The Library provides access to computers for research and work applications such as word processors, spreadsheets, presentation software, and more. There are two printers that double as copiers and fax machines. One is in the group study area and the other is next to the computer lab. For more information on computer availability on campus, visit the Information Technology website.

Microform Readers/Printers: The Microfilm/ reader is located in the Acadian Archives.


student scanning documentScanning Stations: There is one overhead scanner located in the group study area near the Research desk and one flatbed scanner in the computer lab. The overhead scanner works quite well with documents and books, but does not work well for images. The flatbed scanner is the better scanner if you want to scan images.

Television Cart: There are two Television carts, each located in a room at either end of the library. The carts consist of a television, a DVD/VCR player, and remote controls.


Equipment that can be checked out:

General: headphones and other general equipment may be checked out at the circulation desk.

Special: Video cameras, digital cameras, headphones with microphones, digital audio recorders, webcams and laptops may be checked out at the same location as our general equipment. These items are also for educational purposes only. See the Circulation department for more information.

Laptops: A special note about laptops. Laptops are meant for short-term use. There are only a few laptops and there are a lot of students who want to use them. In addition, some laptops are needed for testing, which is another reason it is important for them to be returned on time. When working on laptops, save your work to Google Drive or OneDrive. Do not keep your work on the laptop itself. Doing so may result in the loss of your files. Finally, as with any of our materials, laptops may be recalled at anytime. 



Keep the library clean: Blake Library staff are very happy to allow food and drink in the library. However, we rely heavily on students being responsible for cleaning after themselves. We very much appreciate students' continuing efforts to keep the library clean.

Wireless access: Blake Library has Blake has 8 APs, the standards level they support is IEEE 802.11ax, also known as Wi-Fi 6. To set up your device for wireless access, Students need to register their device with Tempest or Eduroam. To learn how to do this, use the UMS IT help page found HERE